IMA Visits Indian Community Radio Movement

From pete tridish In February, I visited India for a month to work with community radio stations. After many years of advocacy, community radio was first permitted in India in 2007. Among the stations that I visited was the very first community radio station in India, Sangham Radio, owned and operated by an organization of 6000 Dalit women laborers. I also visited stations in Madya Pradesh, Gurgagon, and other places. I spent several days with the UNESCO Chair for Community Media in Hyderabad, speaking with classes and graduate students. I also worked with NOMAD, a transmitter and antenna manufacturer …

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Fun in Montreal at the AMARC 30th Anniversary

Pete Tridish and April Glaser drove to Montreal to attend the 30th Anniversary Conference of AMARC, the World Association of Community Broadcasters. AMARC is officially based in Montreal and it was wonderful to see old friends from community radio stations around the world as well as to meet new people who have established exciting stations in places like South Africa, India, and Western Canada.

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